Home > Birthdays > Andreea-Denisa > Personal Astro Portrait


Date of Birth:
12 March 2006 - 09:10h
18 years  (6935 days)

Andreea-Denisa - Personal Astro Portrait

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Sun in Pisces (Water)

Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
People born under the sign of Pisces are just like people born under the sign of Aquarius influenced by two planets. Jupiter gives them sense for justice, social conscience and willingness to help others, while Neptune both helps them and complicates their life.

Moon in Leo

Moon (Luna)
You feel safe in moments when you can impress others and get praise and admiration. Yet, when you get into the spotlight, you may find yourself at a loss. You probably have a desire for money and social status, and have a strong ability to get it.

Ascendant in Taurus

Ascendant (Rising Sign)
People who have Taurus Ascendant enter life slowly and relentlessly. They do not rush. They make plans, build and work systematically in order to achieve their goal.

Dog (Fire)

Chinese horoscope
Dog is loner, extremely stubborn and highly suspicious of new acquaintances. People born in the Year of the Dog tend to submerge themselves in completely unimportant matters and details. They are a bit crazy, but their evolved sensibilities and critical spirit help to protect them from the worst.

Willow Tree

Celtic tree horoscope
Willow people have a complex nature. On the one hand, they are very sensitive, responsive and perceptive. On the other hand, they are always restless, unsatisfied and moody. Willow people have a lot of imagination, sometimes they like to daydream and they are able to understand exactly how other people feel. They are very good psychologists and they can use this ability for their advantage.

Life Path - 5

Numerology - Life Path
These people need movement and change, and they like to travel. They search for freedom and adventure. They are open to new things and ideas. They have an inclination for leadership. They are ambitious but they are also very sensitive and avoid routine and boredom.

Birthday 12th - Versatility

Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are creative and insightful. They are versatile and professionally capable. They are smart, popular and attractive. They excel in a number of areas. They are family-oriented.

Celebrities born on Mar 12th
Spojené státy Liza Minnelli
(*1946) singer, actress, dancer
Německo Wilhelm Frick
(*1877) German politician of the Nazi Party, Reich Minister
Spojené státy Jack Kerouac
(*1922) novelist, poet, painter, pioneer of the Beat Generation
Bulharsko Anife Vyskočilová
(*1974) actress, presenter, dancer
Francie King of England Henry II
(*1133) King of England