Home > Birthdays > Devil35 > Personal Astro Portrait


Date of Birth:
16 November 1976 - 12:00h
47 years  (17372 days)

Devil35 - Personal Astro Portrait

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Sun in Scorpio (Water)

Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
People born under the sign of Scorpio can think very clearly, they have a good judgement and can assess situations very well. They also have a good memory and a very creative mind, which is characterised by its originality.

Moon in Virgo

Moon (Luna)
Your feeling of safety is related to order and clarity, even in emotions. You may have the need to organise everything chaotic and disorganized. Try being more tolerant and accept imperfections of life.

Ascendant in Aquarius

Ascendant (Rising Sign)
People with Aquarius Ascendant are capable of seeing everything, including themselves from a distant, impersonal viewpoint. They have greater understanding of social undertone than of personal approach. In their life they cope better if they have a hope in better future for all mankind.

Dragon (Fire)

Chinese horoscope
Dragon bursts with strength, energy and health. People born in the Year of the Dragon are very open, and never petty. They hate hypocrisy and gossip and generally do not have the best diplomatic dexterity. They are trusting and allow themselves to be manipulated.

Chestnut Tree

Celtic tree horoscope
Chestnut tree is a tough tree that is fighting for its space, but it can generously endow its surroundings with its fruits and possibility to relax in the shade of its bushy crown. Chestnut people have a deeply rooted sense for justice and are able to fight vigorously for the right cause.

Life Path - 5

Numerology - Life Path
These people need movement and change, and they like to travel. They search for freedom and adventure. They are open to new things and ideas. They have an inclination for leadership. They are ambitious but they are also very sensitive and avoid routine and boredom.

Birthday 16th - Directness

Numerology - Birthday Number
These people have a clear opinion on what is right and wrong in life. They fight intolerance. They are very observant. They have a sense of harmony. They are tender and sweet. They try to get along with others and understand their needs.

Celebrities born on Nov 16th
Spojené státy Lisa Bonet
(*1967) actress
Německo Flake Lorenz
(*1966) musician, keyboardist for Rammstein
Francie Henri Charrière
(*1906) writer, criminal, author of the novel Papillon
Kanada Diana Krall
(*1964) singer
Spojené státy Francesca Scorsese
(*1999) actress, child of celebrity

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